Showing 1–16 of 42 results

  • 100 Moral Stories

    100 Moral Stories


    No matter how diverse we may be as human beings, no matter how our individual backgrounds may differ, or how accomplished we may be, moral stories inspire us to ponder and touch our lives in different ways. Through stories which are in essence a narration of historical events, not only do we get pleasure, but we are also inspired, become hopeful, get strength and learn to recognize our own strengths and shortcomings.

  • Ablaze for christ

    Ablaze For Christ


    Are you a Christian and seem not to have adequate time or passion for the things of God? This book takes you on a journey of maintaining the “fire” of the Holy Spirit within you. In this book, minister Kofi Adjei reignites your passion for the Lord by explaining the activities we must engage in as Christians to continually be on “fire” for the Lord and how we can maintain doing these activities in an ever busy world.

  • Be Balanced.


    The world is full of conflicts of ideas, cultures, values, concepts, and philosophies. The Christian finds himself in such a world and is confronted with various forms of conflicts as well as trying to live a fulfilled spiritual life without compromising the standards and principles of Christ. The question is: Are you working for yourself or God? Do you know your assignment or you have buried your talents in the ground? It is time to be balanced to allow God to work in you according to his own will whilst you also do your part. Stop complaining about your challenges – it is all part of the package!!!
    A false balance is an abomination and conflicts with the word of God. Man must be relevant to God and humanity by balancing both physical and spiritual needs. God is a balanced God and expects everyone on earth to be balanced. This book will turn your life around, restore you and make you live a fulfilled and refreshing life.

  • Be Balanced.


    The world is full of conflicts of ideas, cultures, values, concepts, and philosophies. The Christian finds himself in such a world and is confronted with various forms of conflicts as well as trying to live a fulfilled spiritual life without compromising the standards and principles of Christ. The question is: Are you working for yourself or God? Do you know your assignment or you have buried your talents in the ground? It is time to be balanced to allow God to work in you according to his own will whilst you also do your part. Stop complaining about your challenges – it is all part of the package!!!

  • beyond school

    Beyond School


    Train up a child in the way he should go as the Bible reveals is beyond showing a

    child what is right or wrong. This book uncovers that every child is born with innate abilities for

    specific purposes. It is the mandate of the home and society that receives the child to unearth

    these unique potentials and train the child to walk in the purpose for which they are born.

    Surprisingly, our schools have not helped much. Instead of helping to unleash potentials and

    developingchildrenfortheirpurposesinlife,theschoolratherdivertsthem and pushes on them

    what they haven’t been built for. People complete even higher forms of education and live

    unfulfilled lives till death. This book has detailed the way to find real joy and peace in walking in

    higher places of success according to your innate calling. Knowledge in this book will lead you

    in the path to accomplish true success.

  • De Facto Divorce


    I have written this book for people that have been hurt by the devastation of divorce, the pain experienced from the loss of a spouse, singles that have come out of past bad relationships and for spouses to work on their marriage. You cannot enter into a relationship while you are still hurting, two hurting people cannot heal each other, you need to be whole – and while people say ‘time’ is a great healer, I believe that only our loving Jesus is.

  • develop your craft

    Develop Your Craft


    ‘Craft’ is an activity involving a skill that uses the hands (and mind). One definition says ‘craft’ is the skills required for a particular activity. Everyone has a gift or gifts. There is an untapped potential in you. It could be drawing, singing, poetry, writing, etc. Know the keys to developing your craft and be mindful of the hindrances to achieving them. Minister Kofi Adjei makes it simple in guiding you on how you can develop your potentials and ensure a bright future for yourself and humanity.

  • Eclipse Of The Last Frontier


    This developmental thriller – Eclipse of the Last Frontier – and its sequel – The Last Frontier and Lingocracy – present a captivating story involving a young man, NnicK, whose trajectory through Europe and North America in pursuit of knowledge, intercepted love, and the residual effects of Linguistic Fragmentation, prompting him to look deeper. The more NnicK scrutinized, the deeper he got submerged in the ramifications and the linkages between Linguistic Fragmentation and stagnation, poverty, and desperation among the citizenry of Nublanuistan – a mythical country in Africa under the prevailing system of government. With Africa’s unique situation as the most linguistically fragmented continent in the world, exemplified by over 2000 languages across countries on the continent, NnicK got his cousin, Njor, convinced about the extent to which even the roots of governance challenges in many countries in Africa, have been deeply embedded in and entangled with Linguistic Fragmentation. NnicK and Njor joined forces to passionately deliberate on factors that have eclipsed the true developmental potential of the African Continent for centuries to decipher possible solutions.

    As many believed that Linguistic Fragmentation has a supernatural origin, NnicK did not hesitate to explore the derivatives of a fantastic concept he stumbled across during his visit to the other side of life – the spiritual realm – in his dream. With that, Lingocracy emerged as a kind of governance architecture and promised to provide the leverage for Africa to embark on its unique trajectory of accelerated socioeconomic transformation.

    In the first part of this two-volume developmental thriller, NnicK returns from Canada to Nublanuistan, a mythical country in Africa, after his PhD, leaving behind his beautiful German girlfriend, Sofia, who wanted them to get married and settle in Canada or Germany.

    Subsequently, NnicK gets married to the stunningly beautiful Ese. The couple had two boys, and Ese was pregnant with a third child when NnicK escaped several poisoning attempts that left him questioning his decision to return home to Nublanuistan in the first place. The multiple failed attempts on NnicK’s life accentuated his preoccupation with the fact that he had even failed in his original purpose for returning to Nublanuistan, to contribute his quota to the socioeconomic development of his country and his continent, code-named ‘The Last Frontier’ by his former girlfriend.

    When it gradually dawned on NnicK that Linguistic Fragmentation, especially under the rudder of Multi-Party Democracy, probably constitutes the greatest obstacle to the social, economic, cultural, and technological transformation of Nublanuistan and the entire African Continent, he found sufficient statistics to support this supposition.

    To the extent that Linguistic Fragmentation has a divine origin, designed by God to eclipse the true potential of humans in the process of its misapplication by man, NnicK was of the perspective that the exploration of the derivatives of a fantastic concept he stumbled upon during his visit to the other side of life, the spiritual realm in his dream, could generate strategic actions and programs for Nublanuistan and Africa to circumvent the hurdles associated with Linguistic Fragmentation and ultimately gravitate the entire African Continent and Nublanuistan towards accelerated social, economic, cultural and technological transformation.

  • Glory conference.


    A call to intimacy.

  • God’s Love Plan


    In God’s Love Plan, T.L. Osborn exposes the root of all problems, shows the way out of problems, reveals seven available blessings and seven foundation facts, then turns over the Master key that has opened a new lifestyle of happiness, health, prosperity and self-worth to millions worldwide.

  • Gravity: True For You But Not For Me

    Gravity: True For You But Not For Me


    Factual Evidence for Gods Existence and Identity.

    Can you imagine jumping off the edge of a 10,000 foot cliff without a parachute while screaming, “Gravity is true for you but not for me!” Not unless you’re crazy, right? We all know the law of gravity is true because of the evidence. We drop something and it falls, we trip and we fall. I like to point out to people that my dogs have no idea what gravity is, so they can’t believe in it, but they never float away. Gravity is true for everyone, everywhere, whether they believe it or not.

  • Images of The Savior from the Pentateuch

    Images of The Savior from the Pentateuch


    If it is true that our eternal life and joy consists only of seeing the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, and if the Old Testament scriptures are they which testify of Christ, then it is certainly of eternal profit that we study the scriptures not just as ancient histories or moral tales, but as the living and personal revelation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In an attempt to do just that, Images of the Savior from the Pentateuch walks through the major events of the five books of Moses, and shows how every event and feature of the text is designed to teach us something of Christ the Savior, from the first account of creation in Genesis 1 to Moses’ final song and blessing before his death in Deuteronomy 34.

  • Inspiration for purpose

    Inspiration For Purpose


    This book highlights major challenges and changes young people go through and the need to understanding them to effectively finding solutions to them. It focuses on the need to fulfill purpose and why we go through some challenges to prepare us for the ultimate price which is success.

    And understanding that challenges are one of the major strategies to boost your knowledge, wisdom, and strength. This book, prepares the mind of young people about what to expect in the growth process and having ideas on the best ways to handle them. It gives parents a more realistic explanation to guide their wards to living a better and more fulfilling life.

    It is a growth manual of guidance for everyone. It is a must read

  • Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children

    Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children


    Just Because takes children on an exciting journey through the Bible as a continous story. Children see the biblical characters come alive, and anticipate with excitment the coming of Jesus to ‘crush the serpent’s head’ as Satan tries to discover His identity. Each chapter takes about twenty minites to read and ends with a short biblical lesson. Kids love it.

  • Knowing Ourselves


    If we would know how to live well and pursue our greatest and eternal happiness, we must know who we are, what we were designed for, and how to fulfill our created purpose. And to find the answers to those questions, there is no better place to go than the scriptures, inspired by the God who made us and who would still reveal his sovereign plan for our lives. Knowing Ourselves, while containing detailed outlines, brief introductions, and simple explanations, is composed largely of the simple text of scripture passages, which have been compiled and conflated for the purpose of laying out a unified picture of what God has to say about who we are, what various conditions or estates we may find ourselves in, and how he relates to us in each of those estates. Designed specifically for group study and discussion, this will make a useful tool for becoming more grounded in what the bible has to say about who we are, what God expects of us, and how he provides what he demands.

  • baptism and confirmation

    Lessons for Baptism and Confirmation


    This book is meant to help nurture Christians in the basic Biblical teachings of the Christian faith into maturity.

    The lessons include teachings on Salvation, Water Baptism, Holy Spirit Baptism, Confirmation, the Last Supper, the Trinity, the Creeds, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, Christian marriage, etc.

    This book serves as a good resource material for new Converts and mature Christians who want to deepen their Christian faith and love for the Kingdom of God and service to the world.