Beyond School
Train up a child in the way he should go as the Bible reveals is beyond showing a
child what is right or wrong. This book uncovers that every child is born with innate abilities for
specific purposes. It is the mandate of the home and society that receives the child to unearth
these unique potentials and train the child to walk in the purpose for which they are born.
Surprisingly, our schools have not helped much. Instead of helping to unleash potentials and
developingchildrenfortheirpurposesinlife,theschoolratherdivertsthem and pushes on them
what they haven’t been built for. People complete even higher forms of education and live
unfulfilled lives till death. This book has detailed the way to find real joy and peace in walking in
higher places of success according to your innate calling. Knowledge in this book will lead you
in the path to accomplish true success.
About author
In every generation, God raises pastors after His own heart who are appointed to represent Him and lead men to have true relationship with Him. Pastor Williams Asante is one of the semen. He has an apostolic mandate to disciple believers to be kingdom influencers in their respective sphere of calling.
Ps. Williams Asante has the unique grace of simplifying hard spiritual mysteries for the grasping of even a babe in Christ. He emphasizes the need for the maturity of the sons of God and the manifestation of the fullness of God within them. His ministry is accompanied with signs, wonders and intense presence of the Holy Spirit that cause his hearers to desire growth. He holds BSc in Medical Laboratory Technology and has been in ministry for more than a decade. He is happily married to Christian a Elikem Williams Asante.
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