Showing all 7 results

  • Como Ser Un Hombre Negro Exitoso


    Cómo ser un hombre negro exitoso comparte los inicios de la trayectoria para aprender más sobre la gloriosa historia del valle del Nilo, Kemet y Kush e incorporar la enseñanza de la historia africana antigua compartiendo por las enseñanzas de los ya fallecidos Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, y Yosef Ben Jochannan. Sus obras literarias académicas sobre el origen africano y la historia de la espiritualidad, la sociedad y la cultura han sido inspiradores en mi éxito y conocimiento de mí mismo. Las enseñanzas académicas de Jabari y Anika Osaze con el Santuario de MAAT por su trabajo en la reconstrucción del legado kemético tambiénhan sido muy importante.

  • Black resistance and identity

    Fight for Freedom: Black Resistance and Identity


    Although there have been a number of studies on Black resistance, very few of these have focused exclusively on such a wide range of resistance campaigns and
    strategies within a single volume. One of the central arguments of this study is that from as early as the sixteenth century when Europeans attempted to systematically exploit Africans, Black people have engaged in a variety of organized and sustained resistance campaigns to assert their independence and identity. This book examines some of the different strategies employed by Black people in Africa and the Diaspora in response to European domination and exploitation. Drawing upon research from scholars based at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana and the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, this collection of original essays, covers the academic disciplines of African and Caribbean history, literature, politics, and psychology. Despite these different approaches, the consistent theme throughout centers on the strategies employed by Black people to resist European domination and oppression, by fighting for their freedom at every possible opportunity, whether they were in Africa, Britain, or the Caribbean.

  • Grand-Domestication Of African Classical & Traditional Medicine –...


    In this book I address and debate “the historical role of cosmopolitan medicine as an instrument of colonial power, state dominance, or social control within the Afro-Atlantic through the study of a variety of ethnographic and contemporary clinical contexts” ; an important topic in the course “Medicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and The African Diaspora” from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

    African traditional medicine has been in a life and death struggle with the advancement of Western medicine since before the onset of the African slave trade and the “Scramble for Africa” (1885 to 1914). Grand-domestication of African medicine in its classical form as developed by Imhotep (2667 BCE – 2600 BCE), the brilliant Chief Minister, architect, mathematician, poet, priest and physician for Pharaoh Djoser began some 2,140 years later during the classical Greek period; specifically with the Hippocratic writings (460 BCE and 375 BCE) centered at Cos, Greece. Greek classical medicine with Hippocrates credited for the writings and called the “Father of Medicine” is the direct ancestor of European medica a setus. However, the grand-domestication and colonial imposition which arrested African medical development and forced Africans to develop underground systems of traditional African medicine began with the Greek Empire founded by Alexander, the Great. With the reign of the Ptolemaic Greek Dynasty (305 BCE to 30 BCE) domination, exploitation, and segregation of Egyptian medical scholars and physicians from the City of Alexandria was the order of the day. The Greek rulers (Ptolemies) denied them access to their own writings containing African materia medica. Because of this cooption of classical African medicine, African traditional medicine lost any direct transmission from that classical body of knowledge stolen and arrested by the Greeks. The Greeks all of sudden were able to write on any scientific or medical subject in less than few decades that would have taken other nations centuries to accomplish, known as the so-called “Greek Miracle.” That early Greek colonial imposition using grand-domestication separated African traditional medicine from its classical Egyptian roots. Later was interposed a modern aggressive hegemonic European and Euro-American medical system that marginalized all other medical knowledge that did not fit within its medical canon. African traditional medicine was therefore its target of distain denying it had any value or efficacy in and for the healing arts. During the Plantation Era and in much of the Americas African traditional medicine and its doctors and practitioners were held in suspicion and even feared because of the “secret” knowledge that could not only heal in a competitive mode with modern medicine but also kill by “magic” a combination of poisoning and auto-suggestion. Despite the hegemonic impact of European and Euro-American medicine practiced chiefly within the modern general hospital African traditional medicine has not only survived but in many ways, modes and within black controlled political space even thriving. Ghana is one political space where this assertion hold true as well as spaces like Haiti and even the Gullah Corridor and Sea Islands adjacent to South Carolina.

  • How to be a Successful Black Man


    This book educates and empowers young boys and men of African descendant about their history, heritage and legacy. Dr. Laroche connects history to the present-day life experiences and challenges of the Black Man to instill self-confidence and personal growth to succeed.
    How to Be a Successful Black Man shares the beginnings of the journey to learn more about the glorious history of the Nile Valley, Kemet and Kush and incorporate the teaching of Ancient African History sharing the teachings of the late Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke, and the late Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan. Their many scholarly literary works on the African origin and history of spirituality, science, culture. The book provides many pearls for success and achievement and what pitfalls to avoid. The book provides a great opportunity for serious discussion and further development for the youth, young adults and families.

  • Memories from an African Childhood


    Memories from an African Childhood is a book comprised of the author’s memories around his life growing up in Tanzania. Initially intended as a private journal for the author and his family, it became evident that the emotions that span his childhood are not unique to growing up in Africa. Hence the author decided to share his trip down memory lane hoping that his recollections would help the reader recall their own story. It is the author’s aspiration that this book can help illustrate that despite all the forces that are determined to pit people against each other (religious, economic, political, cultural etc.), we are all more similar than we think. We all experience joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain – and our childhood shapes us to become the people we are.
    What realizations will the reader discover about themselves? How has YOUR story made you who you are?

  • Sesiu sa mantsoe a sesotho

    Sesiu sa mantsoe a sesotho


    Sesiu sa mantsoe a sesotho ke buka-ntsoe ea Sesotho ea machaba. E fana ka matla le kakaretso ea tlotlo-ntsoe ea bophelo ba letsatsi le letsatsi ea mantsoe, lipoleloana, maele le mantsoe a ka holimo ho 260 000. Tlhaloso ea oona le (pitsetso) tsela eo a bitsoang ka teng. Sena ke keta-pele ea lingoloa tse nang le boleng bo holimo haholo puong ea Sesotho.

  • World History -Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500


    World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500. Authored by six USG faculty members with advance degrees in History, this textbook offers up-to-date original scholarship. It covers such cultures, states, and societies as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, Dynastic Egypt, India’s Classical Age, the Dynasties of China, Archaic Greece, the Roman Empire, Islam, Medieval Africa, the Americas, and the Khanates of Central Asia. It includes 350 high-quality images and maps, chronologies, and learning questions to help guide student learning. Its digital nature allows students to follow links to applicable sources and videos, expanding their educational experience beyond the textbook. It provides a new and free alternative to traditional textbooks, making World History an invaluable resource in our modern age of technology and advancement.