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Christians, by virtue of our association with Jesus Christ, have been exalted to sit together with Christ in the heavenly places. This position is what I call an “exalted position”. We have been raised together with Jesus to a higher position; we sit together with him in the heavenly places. We must be aware and conscious of this exalted or elevated position so that we can walk in it. Hence the title for this book: “Walking in Your Exalted Position as a Believer”.
Paradoxically, many believers are ignoramuses so far as their exalted position in Christ is concerned. Such Christians have settled for mediocrity and given up the fight. Ignorance has reduced generals and giants in the Lord to cowards and mediocres who shrink in the face of any challenge instead of rising above their conditions.
To combat the antagonism and hostility of the world against us, we must be aware of the resources at our disposal. Appropriation of your exalted position in Christ is crucial to your ability to stand in times like these.
Enclosed herein are the nine (9) elements of the believer’s exalted position in Christ which is received by grace through faith as part of our salvation package and which must be utilized for our benefits.

Human identity keeps on changing as a result of the dynamic nature of humankind, society, and the world at large. This identity is informed by our choices. However, every choice we make in life about searching for our true identity, either takes us away from or brings us closer to God. We should
not forget that our purpose in life is higher and greater than a mere acquisition of luxury. We are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choices.

Wisdom is pivotal in the journey of success and in the fulfillment of one’s of destiny
My heart desire is to see as many young people possible pursue wisdom and escape the errors of our fathers. The older men gained wisdom through experience but no longer have enough time to live by it ,On the other hand, The younger generation lacks wisdom but may have some time to change the situation.
Inside every young person is an old person depending on the young person to always do what is right, so the old person can live without regrets. Whatever you are doing today is actually doing something to your future. The FUTURE is not a mystery, The FUTURE is a REPLY!This book will Serve as an inspiration, Instruction and Light unto your path to make the right choices for your life on daily basis
I want to encourage you to give maximum time and attention to reading this book and I know you would be blessed.