Welcome To Christ

Precious saint , It is an honour to welcome you in Christ having been born again. Having received salvation through the gospel of Christ, you have been brought to the family of God. This material in your hands is designed just for you. It will teach you elementary truths concerning the Christian faith. It has been carefully designed to be very concise and handy for you to read through over and over again and if possible memorize. This material will help you begin your walk of faith in Christ. As you study this material, get your notes and Bible ready. Take notes, try to memorize most of the scriptures given. I trust this material although handy and concise will deliver to you a great wealth of information for your days ahead and will go a long way to affect your life in way. I pray that you receive transformation as you diligently study. As the title of this material is, “Welcome to Christ , ” you are indeed welcome to the place called Christ! REV. SAMUEL KWAME SASU 2020



About author

Rev. Samuel Sasu is a profound teacher of the word of God with a great passion to see souls won and nurtured. He is the senior Pastor and overseer of the Gospel Waves Citadel church.


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